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2019 GOAL Gala Journal Advertising Opportunities

Dear Friends,

When Sergeant Charles Cochrane founded the Gay Officers Action League in 1982, he inaugurated a civil rights organization that has persisted in addressing the needs and concerns of LGBTQ criminal justice professionals. Since our last gala, GOAL has held strong in its advocacy and community building mission:

• GOAL successfully fought back against employment discrimination against a member in law enforcement in New Jersey;

• GOAL expanded its community outreach program, “Coffee with Cops,” to the outer boroughs and is working on partnerships with community groups and businesses for future sessions;

• GOAL continued its engagement with the KiKi Coalition to support Youth Pride Fest and provide a safe space for youth to celebrate pride; and

• GOAL testified before the NYC Council on the deficit of HIV medication and PrEP coverage affecting many city employees.

These highlights, amongst many, come hand-in-hand with GOAL’s routine work to assist members of the larger LGBTQ community work with their government, whether facilitating referrals for assistance with police or helping local businesses and not-for-profits in need of government services.

Ever year at our gala, we honor those who have lent their energy and efforts to advance the rights of LGBTQ people. In that vein, this year we are thrilled to honor:

Laurel Hester Award: Dominique Jackson, FX’s Pose

Sam Ciccone Award: Krishna Stone, GMHC

Charlie H. Cochrane Award: Lydia Figueroa, GOAL

Erin J. O’Reilly Award: Michael Dye, GOAL

The 37th annual GOAL Anniversary Awards Gala will be held at the Times Square’s Edison Ballroom (240 West 47 Street) on May 3rd at 7 PM. We would be honored to have your support in this year’s commemorative Journal, which will be distributed to our guests, community leaders and businesses across the LGBTQ community. GOAL is a 501(c)3 organization, and for more information about your tax-deductible advertisement in the GOAL Journal, please see the graphics above, or email

As always, thank you for your continued support, and we hope that you will join us in making this year’s event a success!

Yours Truly,

Tom Hennigan NYC Digital OOH & GM EventPermits

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